Frequently Asked Questions

Q: When did Montenegro, Inc. become a business?

A: November 7, 1996; we celebrate our Founder’s Day each year around the holidays with our employees.

Q: What qualifies Montenegro, Inc. to be “minority owned”?

According to the National Minority Supplier Development Council, a minority group member is an individual who is at least 25% Asian, Black, Hispanic or Native American, and minority businesses must be at least 51% minority-owned operated and controlled.

Q: Where are you located?

A: We are located in downtown Roselle, IL on the second floor of the building with the clock tower. Parking is available in front of All Things Woof and Juice & Berry. To access our office, walk through the breeze-way and on the right side is a door to the elevator entrance for the second floor. You can find us on the east end of the building, at the end of the hallway.

Q: What precautions are you taking for COVID?

A: We are doing everything we can to make the Montenegro office safe and enjoyable for our employees. Below is a quick overview of measures we’ve put in place that are in compliance with state mandates to keep our employees safe during these times.

Masks. We require masks to be worn upon entering the building. Single use masks are provided in our office and must be worn at all times; except when eating or drinking.

Social Distancing.
Departments with close proximity to other employees have temporary arrangements to sit in another desk cubicle that is far enough away from others. We require social distancing between all parties. We have placed signs around the office and marked the floors with arrows to ensure everyone remains at least six feet apart at all times.

Reduced Capacity
. We discourage visitors at this time to limit capacity in accordance with the State of Illinois executive orders.

Constant Cleanliness.
All of these measures are in addition to our former rigorous cleaning schedule. We use a surface disinfectant to wipe down surfaces, screens, doorknobs, etc. after each use, and have hand sanitizer stations set up in several locations throughout the office.